8 research outputs found

    Systematische Transaction-Level-Kommunikations-Modellierung mit SystemC

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    An emerging approach to embedded system design is to assemble them from a library of hardware and software component models (IP, intellectual property) using a system description language, such as SystemC. SystemC allows describing the communication among IPs in terms of abstract operations (transactions). The promise is that with transaction-level modeling (TLM), future systems-on-chip with one billion transistors and more can be composed out of IPs as simply as playing with LEGO bricks. However, reality is far out. In fact, each IP vendor promotes another proprietary interface standard and the provided design tools lack compatibility, such that heterogeneous IPs cannot be integrated efficiently. A novel generic interconnect fabric for TLM is presented which aims at enabling inter-operation between models of different levels of abstraction (mixed-mode) and models with different interfaces (heterogeneous components), with as little overhead as possible. A generic, protocol independent representation of transactions is developed, among with an abstraction level formalism. This approach is shown to support systematic simulation of state-of-the-art buses and networks-on-chip such as IBM CoreConnect and PCI Express over several levels of TLM abstraction. A layered simulation framework for SystemC, GreenBus, is developed to examine the proposed concepts. The thesis discusses new implementation techniques for communication modeling with SystemC which outperform the existing approaches in terms of flexibility, simulation accuracy, and performance. Based on these techniques, advanced concepts for TLM-based hardware/software co-design and FPGA prototyping are examined. Several experiments and a video processor case study highlight the efficiency of the approach and show its applicability in a TLM design flow.Eingebettete Systeme werden zunehmend auf Basis vorgefertigter Hard- und Softwarebausteine entwickelt, die in Form von Modellen (IP, Intellectual Property) vorliegen. Hierzu werden Systembeschreibungssprachen wie SystemC eingesetzt. SystemC ermöglicht, die Kommunikation zwischen IPs durch abstrakte Operationen, sog. Transaktionen zu beschreiben. Mit dieser Transaction-Level-Modellierung (TLM) sollen auch zukünftige Systeme mit 1 Milliarde Transistoren und mehr effizient entwickelt werden können. Idealerweise sollte das Hantieren mit IPs dabei so einfach sein wie das Spielen mit LEGO-Steinen. In der Realität sind jedoch IPs unterschiedlicher Hersteller nicht ohne weiteres integrierbar, und auch die Entwurfswerkzeuge sind nicht kompatibel. In dieser Doktorarbeit wird ein neuer, generischer Ansatz für die Transaction-Level-Modellierung mit SystemC vorgestellt, der Kommunikation zwischen Modellen auf unterschiedlichen Abstraktionsebenen (Mixed-Mode) und mit unterschiedlichen Schnittstellen (heterogene Komponenten) möglich macht. Der zusätzlich benötigte Simulations- und Code-Aufwand ist minimal. Ein protokollunabhängiges Transaktionsmodell und ein formaler Ansatz zur Beschreibung von Abstraktionsebenen werden vorgestellt, mit denen verschiedenartige Busse und Networks-on-Chip wie IBM CoreConnect und PCI Express auf verschiedenen TLM-Abstraktionsebenen simuliert werden können. Ein modulares Simulationsframework für SystemC wird entwickelt (GreenBus), um die vorgeschlagenen Konzepte zu untersuchen. Anhand von GreenBus werden neue Implementierungstechniken diskutiert, die den existierenden Ansätzen in Flexibilität, Simulationsgenauigkeit und -geschwindigkeit überlegen sind. Die Vor- und Nachteile der entwickelten Techniken werden mit Experimenten belegt, und eine Videoprozessor-Fallstudie demonstriert die Effizienz des Ansatzes in einem TLM-basierten Entwurfsfluss

    Embedded software development on top of transaction-level models

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    { klingauf, guenzel, schroeder} @ eis.cs.tu-bs.de Early embedded SW development with transaction-level models has been broadly promoted to improve SoC design productivity. But the proposed APIs only provide low-level read/write operations via a TLM interconnect. SW developers have to implement platform-specific communication procedures and handshake protocols to access HW functions, which requires a deep understanding of both the HW interfaces and the TLM fabric used. In this paper, we propose our concept of hardware procedure calls (HPC) with which HW services are provided to SW processes as remote methods on top of transaction-level communication. To this end, a lightweight HPC protocol is presented, and we propose a method to generate the infrastructure for HPC communication from a straightforward input description. Our experiments show that with HPC, embedded SW development is considerably made easier, and that also the effort to create the transaction-level model itself is reduced

    TRAIN: A Virtual Transaction Layer Architecture for TLM-based HW/SW Codesign of Synthesizable MPSoC

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    Our concept of a virtual transaction layer (VTL) architecture allows to directly map transaction-level communication channels onto a synthesizable multiprocessor SoC implementation. The VTL is above the physical MPSoC communication architecture, acting as a hardware abstraction layer for both HW and SW components. TLM channels are represented by virtual channels which efficiently route transactions between SW and HW entities through the on-chip communication network with respect to quality-of-service and realtime requirements. The goal is to methodically simplify MPSoC design by systematic HW/SW interface abstraction, thus enabling early SW verification, rapid prototyping and fast exploration of critical design issues. With TRAIN, we present our implementation of such a VTL architecture for Virtex-II Pro and PowerPC and illustrate its efficiency by experimentation. 1

    Performance Optimization of Embedded Java Applications by a C/Java-hybrid Architecture

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    Abstract. We present a software architecture for Java VMs and APIs that significantly increases the execution performance of Java applications on devices with considerable storage limitations. While present embedded Java devices usually implement standard API functions entirely in Java, we propose a shift of paradigm. By using a native programming language like C to implement the whole system library and by using a high-level C-to-Java interface, we obtain embedded Java applications running almost at the speed of fully native applications. Moreover, a drastic reduction of memory can be achieved. Thus, Java runs efficiently on low-cost devices with a memory size of less than 2 MB. Besides, our technique requires no changes of Java user applications.

    Measuring the Quality of a SystemC Testbench by using Code Coverage Techniques

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    The system description language SystemC enables to quickly create executable specifications at adequate levels of abstraction for both hardware/software integration and fast design space exploration. Besides the modeling of a system, verification has become a dominant factor in circuit and system design. Since SystemC is a versatile language based on C++, testbenches at different abstraction levels can easily be built. But the fault coverage of a manually developed testbench is hard to quantify. In this paper, an approach for measuring the quality of SystemC testbenches is presented. The approach is based on dedicated code coverage techniques and identifies all the parts of a SystemC model that have not been tested. Experimental results show the applicability of our methodology. 1

    Modular composition and dynamics of native GABAB receptors identified by high-resolution proteomics

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    GABAB receptors, the most abundant inhibitory G protein-coupled receptors in the mammalian brain, display pronounced diversity in functional properties, cellular signaling and subcellular distribution. We used high-resolution functional proteomics to identify the building blocks of these receptors in the rodent brain. Our analyses revealed that native GABAB receptors are macromolecular complexes with defined architecture, but marked diversity in subunit composition: the receptor core is assembled from GABAB1a/b, GABAB2, four KCTD proteins and a distinct set of G-protein subunits, whereas the receptor's periphery is mostly formed by transmembrane proteins of different classes. In particular, the periphery-forming constituents include signaling effectors, such as Cav2 and HCN channels, and the proteins AJAP1 and amyloid-beta A4, both of which tightly associate with the sushi domains of GABAB1a. Our results unravel the molecular diversity of GABAB receptors and their postnatal assembly dynamics and provide a roadmap for studying the cellular signaling of this inhibitory neurotransmitter receptor